In reference to the mythological animal, this bird takes the shape and dress of multiple endangered species. He evokes a message of hope through his account of the possibility of rising from the ashes. Like these often endemic birds, it is still possible to save them.
The soundtrack produced by Francois Gauriaud contains animal sounds recorded in Guyana, and evokes at the end of the creation the noise of machines destroying the natural environment of birds to facilitate the gold panning. Gold mining is an ecological scourge in French Guyana: environmentally speaking, gold mining leads to deforestation and pollution of soils and waterways. It takes about 1 kg of TNT, 1 Kg of mercury to produce 1 kg of gold.
Dimensions : 10 x 15 x 4,8m
Weight : 750 Kg
Power : 3650 W
AV Loop : 4,30 Min
Soundtrack : Francois Gauriaud